
Rohrig Elevates Leading Hervey Bay Venues

5 March 2025Author Bronte Rohrig
News Hospitality

Rohrig Takes Redlands Sporting Club To New Heights

4 December 2024Author Bronte Rohrig
News Hospitality Medical and Aged Care

Rohrig Commended at Master Builders Awards

14 August 2024Author Bronte Rohrig
News Hospitality

Stafford Bowls Club Reborn As The Gibson

12 August 2024Author Bronte Rohrig
News Hospitality

The Manly Hotel Elevated To New Heights

7 August 2024Author Bronte Rohrig

The Brook Hotel takes out prestigious QHA Award

7 August 2024Author Bronte Rohrig
News Hospitality

The Belvedere, Transformation of a Woody Point Icon

25 March 2024Author Bronte Rohrig
News Hospitality

Jubilee Hotel refurbishment an overwhelming success

13 December 2022Author Bronte Rohrig